SA2020’s operations ended on March 28, 2024.
Our data, reports, and stories will remain online through September 2024. Read more about our decision to dissolve on our blog.
SA2020 | Strengthening Families at the Parents’ Academy | SA2020

Strengthening Families at the Parents’ Academy

Parents’ Academy, on the campus of Blessed Sacrament Academy, exists to strengthen and empower families. The more nurturing, guidance, and support a parent gives, the better their child is equipped to thrive in the face of life challenges. Many parents, however, lack the skills to provide their families with positive guidance, having grown up themselves with trauma, abuse, or neglect.

“Parenting education is a critical need within the San Antonio community as child abuse and neglect remain a vicious and unbroken intergenerational cycle in Bexar County. Educational attainment, poverty, unemployment, and income inequality are several of the most important “root cause” risk factors for Bexar County’s families with children birth to five. All of these risk factors reinforce each other, forming a vicious cycle within and across generations. Breaking the cycle requires an investment in families that includes education, connection and mentorship.” Read more in Community Information Now (CINow) 2016 Report.

“By investing in parents, we invest in safe, loving homes for children. It is imperative that we strengthen families to give children the best foundation,” states Parent Coach and Parents’ Academy Director Kathy Lozano. “Parents’ Academy works with families to reduce child maltreatment and neglect by equipping parents with positive parenting skills.”  A recent workshop participant, Hope, stated, “Parents’ Academy has helped me become a more conscious and aware parent…I am more in tune to my nurturing side and am able to communicate more efficiently with my family when I am in need of help or becoming frustrated.”

At Parents’ Academy, the goal is to equip parents with the necessary parenting skills to raise strong, healthy families by providing positive alternatives and mentorship to parents who have no other support system. To reach that goal, Lozano recently reformatted the Parents’ Academy workshops. Based on 22 years as a parent educator, she designed this program by listening to and learning from thousands of parents over the years. Positive Discipline Toolbox” combines concepts and community as families share the joys and challenges of raising children of all ages. The eight-lesson format is designed to give parents insights, information and group support. The program offers more than just a skill set for guiding children; it provides parents with an opportunity to connect with others and grow as leaders in their families.

Parents Academy Graduation 2

Parenting workshops provide parents with insights, education and practical techniques to lead their families to success with respectful guidance. As parents form a stronger foundation of positive parenting skills, children will be freed from abuse and neglect.  Group activities and reflections give parents the opportunity to explore concepts and share their insights and experiences. Another current parent participant, Joe, summed up the value of the workshop: “Parenting class allows us to share all the emotions, life lessons, struggles and accomplishments that we go through as parents on a daily basis…It is therapeutic and encouraging.”

Thanks to a generous donation from a private trust, new workshops are starting soon! To learn more, visit or call Kathy Lozano at 210-532-0894